Museum Hill Community Day @ MOIFA
September 18, 202210:00 AM - 4:00 PM
FREE Admission for All
Come to Museum Hill for free music, storytelling, hands‑on activities, artist demonstrations, food, and more! Explore family-friendly events all over the hill at the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, the Museum of International Folk Art, the Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, the Santa Fe Botanical Garden, and the Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian.
¡Entrada GRATUITA para todos!
¡Ven a Museum Hill para disfrutar de música gratis, narración de cuentos, actividades de arte, demostraciones de artistas, comida y más! Explora eventos familiares en toda la colina en el Museum of Indian Arts and Culture, Museum of International Folk Art, Museum of Spanish Colonial Art, Santa Fe Botanical Garden, y Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian.
Your Event at the Museum
Considering the museum as a venue for your own event? See our facilities rental information here.
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