A Chair For All Reasons
A Chair For All Reasons
June 29, 2008 - January 4, 2009
Sitting is a universal experience. Throughout the world, people settle into chairs, stretch out on benches, perch on stools, sink into sofas or cushion themselves with a pillow, marking the body’s state as being both stationary yet dynamic.
A Chair for all Reasons concentrated on materials and techniques in furniture craftsmanship, with the objects divided into five categories of daily life: home, work/school, kids, outdoors, and ritual. Featuring 100 objects, A Chair for all Reasons exhibited chairs, benches, and stools from around the world. Eleven objects from Europe, three from Asia, five from Africa, five from Central America, two representing the New Mexican-Hispano tradition, and seventy from the USA (with several extraordinary “Outsider” creations).The majority of chairs are Anglo-American, from New England vernacular to contemporary studio furniture.
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